Seminars In Local Areas For The less Privileged

Seminars In Local Areas For The less Privileged

From NGN 1.00

Seminars for the less privileged can have a profound impact on space exploration and aerospace by fostering inclusivity, inspiring innovation, and broadening the talent pool. Here are several ways these seminars can co...
Joint administration between NASRDA and Ministry of Education

Joint administration between NASRDA and Ministry o...

From NGN 1000.00

Enhancing Space Education: Collaborative Administration between NASRDA and the Ministry of Education in Nigeria  In recent years, the importance of space education has become increasingly evident across the globe. Rec...
Online school on Space education in Nigeria

Online school on Space education in Nigeria

From NGN 1000.00

Online Space Education in Nigeria: Bridging Gaps and Expanding Horizons In recent years, online education has emerged as a transformative tool, particularly in the field of space education, aiming to reach and engage...

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